- Lord Kitchener Wants You
- Quotes I like
- The peace dividend is over
- Charismatic mega-fauna and repugnant mini-flora
- Science and religion are deeply compatible
- Moral progress is a cycle, technological progress is an arrow
- Ibn Khaldun's Asabiyyah, social capital, and group feeling
- Goldilocks principle
- Evolution of fungi and plants from 1500 ma to 290 ma
- List of philosopher thought experiments and corresponding emojis
- Mental models I like
- The fallacy of mood affiliation
- Double consciousness — oppression increases lensical thinking
- Deed over creed (na'aseh v'nishma) is the Jewish tradition of doing first and understanding later
- Too much choice can cause unhappiness, bad medical outcomes, and misinformation
- Too much of a virtue can become a vice
- Active and passive stability - ice vs skin
- Abraham vs. Ibrahim in the story of Sodom
- Startups should have exactly one miracle
- Russian car industry after War on Ukraine
- Defense is much more palatable than offense
- Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology
- Medieval farm plots were long and thin because oxen couldn't turn
- Russia has never been liberal, democratic, or free
- Wizards and Prophets
- Negative theology and via negativa
- Public School (SPS) Feedback Loops
- Medieval feedback loops
- Design Pattern Languages for Single Family Homes
- Dystopian fiction that inspires real products
- Two Watersheds - too much institutionalization
- Inter-rater disagreement is desirable
- Nozick’s experience machine and even more powerfully, in reverse
- Russia and the Horde
- Parable of blind men and an elephant
- Carolingian minuscule
- Narrative, tree, and branch books
- Bounded rationality
- Dreams are amazing
- Sleep has a profound effect on memory and learning
- Adjacent Possible
- Live player vs dead player
- Hull shapes
- Naval Architecture 101
- Horses in agriculture and the three field system
- Power shift from lords to peasants and kings
- Heavy knights and destriers
- Increasing costs of human labor and mechanization
- Arab invaders, knights, and feudalism
- Stronger horses and farm yields
- Counter-Knight missile innovation crossbows, longbows, and muskets
- Horses, peasant mobility and urbanization
- LiPo batteries and wiring
- Brushless DC motors
- Propeller design
- Displacement vs planing hulls
- Hull speed
- Power of Fiction
- Urbanization, literacy and heretics
- Heavy plate and heraldry
- Naive realism
- The Three Orders in the Middle Ages
- Clarke's first law
- Goodhart's law - indicators will be gamed
- The Authoritarian High-Modernist Recipe for Failure